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Occular setariasis in a Pony

Gunda was 3-year-old stallion that presented with a complaint of corneal opacity in the left eye. Initial symptomatic treatments by the primary attending veterinarian outside of Mysore proved unsuccessful. A detailed ocular examination by a close friend of mine revealed presence of an …

Anterior Synechiae in a DSH cat

Front-on photograph of the eye showing a corneal scar in the paracentral zone. The horizontal wavy line over the pupil is a strand of hair on the cornea. Lateral view of eye showing the adhesions between the iris and the corneal endothelium   Medial view of the eye showing adhesions bet…

Splenectomy and Partial Liver Lobectomy for Angiosarcoma in a Non-descript dog

Bruce, a nine-year-old male Indie was referred for Sonography after being non-responsive for treatment of Tick Fever. The dog apparently showed typical signs suggestive of tick fever including fever, anemia, splenomegaly, and anorexia for about 2 weeks. Ultrasonography of the abdo…

Rubeosis iridis and iris bombe in a cat

Photograph of the cat showing diffused thickening of the iris and emergence of new capillaries on the iris that are non-radially directed. Note the posterior synechiae appearing as thin fibrous links between the iris and the lens circumferentially (white arrowheads). Also, note the diff…

Myasthenia Gravis in a Persian Cat - A case report

A five-year-old Persian cat presented with a complaint of acute onset paraplegia progressing to tetraplegia the following day. These signs started a day after a grooming session. The details of the  Neurological examination performed is described below. Signalment -5-year-old n…

'Mutton Fat' Corneal Keratic Precipitates and Lens Induced Uveitis in a Poodle puppy.

Lens-induced uveitis is a common complication of cataracts in dogs. Although it was initially associated with hyper mature cataracts, many ophthalmologists opine that all stages of cataracts have some degree of subclinical uveitis present. Two distinct types of LIU are recognized in…

Caudal advancement of a subdermal plexus flap to close a skin defect at the base of the tail.

A seven-year-old male Siberian Husky was presented with a complaint of an ulcerating mass on the dorsolateral region of the base of the tail. The mass persisted for more than six months but started to ulcerate a week before.  A tentative diagnosis of a supra caudal gland tumor/ tail gla…